All Publications
Original Research
Chapters in Books
Review Articles
Case Reports
Letter to Editors
Original Research
- Prognostic Significance of HE4 Tissue Expression in Serous Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma (SAJC)
- Predictors of oocyte yield in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in IVF/ICSI cycles: A Retrospective Analysis in a tertiary care centre (IJRCOG)
- Anxieties and apprehensions among women waiting for fertility treatments during the COVID-19 pandemic. (IJGO)
- Comparison of maternal outcomes in spontaneous singleton pregnancies versus in vitro fertilization conception: single centre 10 years cohort study (JBRA)
- Epidural Analgesia for Pain Management in Acute Pancreatitis during Pregnancy and Its Effect on Maternal and Fetal Outcome. (OGI)
- Expanding Indications of Primary Arthrodesis in Selected Individuals for Managing Complex Hindfoot Trauma During COVID-19 Pandemic (Indian J Orthop. )
Chapters in Books
- Practical Aspects of Oncofertility (AOGD Bulletin March)
- Adolescent PCOS (FOGSI Update 2022)
Review Articles
- Endometritis-Diagnosis, Treatment and its impact on fertility: A Scoping Review. (JBRA)
- Impact of endometriosis on female fertility and the management options for endometriosis-related infertility in reproductive age women: a scoping review with recent evidences. (MEFSJ)
- Assessing the impact of COVID 19 on male fertility: A systematic review. (JHRM)
- COVID vaccination in pregnancy. (GJRM)
Case Reports
- Rare cause of unexplained hypertension in an oligomenorrheic adolescent girl with adnexal mass: case report and review of literature. (IJRCOG)
- Miracle Pregnancy: Management of Poor Responder in In-Vitro Fertilization. (GJRM)
- Transfer or not to transfer? a medical dilemma. (IJRCOG)
- Which ovarian stimulation parameters influence the number and proportion of mature oocytes retrieved in IVF cycles? ( J Assist Reprod Genet. )
Letter to Editors
- Which ovarian stimulation parameters influence the number and proportion of mature oocytes retrieved in IVF cycles? ( J Assist Reprod Genet. )
- Hysterosalpingography using Magnetic Resonance Imaging for infertility patients (JBRA)
- Is 2-6 h optimal window for ICSI? ( J Assist Reprod Genet. )
- Re: Dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation has no added benefit on live birth rate in poor ovarian responders (BJOG)
- The effects of hysteroscopic morcellation of endometrial polyps on frozen embryo transfer outcomes (Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod )
- Does clomiphene citrate versus recombinant FSH in intrauterine insemination cycles differ in follicular development? (JBRA)
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Consult Dr. Ankita Sethi at RIDGE FERTILITY AND IVF CENTER. Contact us to book your appointment, and please have your medical history ready. Your fertility is our priority.